Since 1970
The driving force in my life has always been the need to serve my family, community, and
country by helping others. I, Pamela D. Billingsly, was born 7/7/70 in Cleveland Ohio to Blanche
Billingsly and Arthur C. Laws Raise, along with me were my two brothers Jerome and Keith
Billingsly. I am the middle child and only girl. My mother was a southern bell that had strong
values and morals; a woman of integrity, discipline, impeccable tenacity, and most of all she
had a servant’s heart.
Her family came first; she believed that charity starts at home and she
spread that abroad. She instilled those same core values in me.
My service to my family started at the age of 6. I was responsible for cooking meals, washing
clothes, and cleaning for a 5-person family. I also started my own kitchen cleaning business at
the age of 9. Growing up in church reinforced my passion to serve my community by feeding
the needy and volunteering for different church auxiliaries.
Fast forward, it was now time for me to graduate from Shaker Heights high School; what an
exciting time. Only 17 years old, I still did not know what I wanted to do; however, my mother
and father advised me that I had to go to college or join The United States Service. I decided to
follow in my older brother Jerome’s footsteps, who is now a retired veteran after serving his
country for 21 yrs.
United States Army here I come! I served my county for 8 yrs. During that time I got married at
age 19 had 3 lovely children from that union, Amonte’ George (son), Danzeah George (son), and
Zia’ George (daughter).
After an honorable discharge from The United States Army, I became a Grief Recovery
Specialist; helping people deal with loss of any nature. That was very rewarding for me and it is
still a tool in my tool box that I use to this day.